Tuesday, January 11, 2011

i wont sing alone...

well. good news people! i finally have a job. i started yesterday and so far its been good. ive been furthering the statement that my brain has finally turned around and started to settle. HUZZAH!!! yay for good news...

its been a good past while. i took that girl i was tellling you about to meet my friends at the coffee place.shes amazing. they all got along wonderfully which was a wonderful thing for me. and it seems her rents like me too so thats even more of a plus.. not to mention the snuggle time was a bonus. well, who knows where that will continue to so im just taking one day at a time and liking it so far.

life seems to be flowing back into place. but i have to go get ready for work so ill type more later. wish me luck!


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