Thursday, January 6, 2011

this 4/4 beat...

so this week so far has been nice. i got to go visit my good friends and hang out with them. we had a blast hot tubbing and chilling. it was nice to escape. i got to see tron. we all got hair cuts. mine looks really pretty,it frames my face and is fun to mess with.  we talked about our ex girl problems and our new girl and or guy in her sitch, situations. lol. i was suprised my mom let me out after my escapades from this past weekend. and they still dont know what went on. not that i care. moms finally gonna go to the good clinic to get her head fixed. lol. i know she sounds like an psycotic freak,somedays i think she is. but she loves me and so...i guess i cant be compleatly mad at her.
i kinda miss what it was like when i was five and even if i did something wrong she would scold me but then she would tell me that i shouldnt do it again and then make me feel better and i would go back to playing with my dolls and toys and such and every thing would be fine. i didnt have to worry about a job or how my life was gonna play out. it was simple. no worries, no pain, no hurting, no worries about school, no sleepless nights, no worries about if my love life will function, or new styles and trends.....but we all have to grow up sometime i guess

on a happier note. practice for my play im in was fun tonight. i missed rehersal time. there like my second family. they've been taking care of my happy ass for a while. and with some new additions of people its always growing and helping me find a stable at practice we had to bring in some of our costume peices and i have alot of stuff. it filled the seat i was sitting in and the floor around me. two duffle bags worth.nice,right?... i drove my friend home after practice and got to meet her parents. that was and akward moment. very much so. but hopefully they like me. it seemed like it. i got invited to come back for dinner and stuff. so thats good in my book. hmmmmmm...i think i might introduce her to my friends this friday at the coffee shop. we'll see.

after practice was kickass. me and my bestie and her boyfriend all went to dennys. we go randomly late at night. its the practically the only thing open around here late besides mc'ds or bk or other fast food joints. and we can actually sit down. we were talking about tats and percings and other fun things and then my old friend walked in a we got to hang out with him. my gay boyfriend as we like to say. and im his gay girlfriend. it works well in the end. lol. we were joking around and the staff on the shift knows who we are and everything so we get to joke around with them. i missed going cause we hadnt been in a while. we ended up talking about everything. it was nice to catch up with everything. ( we might go panties shopping today!) so i had a wonderful evening.

for a interesting night, im glad i had it. i needed something new in my life. everythings been spiraling out of control and i finally feel like its spining back into place. so that makes me happy.

what are we all facing now a days. the changes in life get harder to decipher. im not sure how to change myself into what needs to be, but ill change in what ways i need for me. and well. that will just have to be good enough.

as the days keep passing we will see where this goes. who knows. it could be something wonderful.....

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